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The Other First-Mover Advantage

In business the first-mover advantage is obvious but it is not foolproof. As one analyst wrote, “First-mover advantage is no absolute guarantee of success, and for reasons which must remain forever mysterious, late-arriving and sometimes inferior products often take over the market from the first-movers.” ... Read on.

#venture capital  #startup  #entrepreneur  #first-mover

Cap Table or Crap Table? You Be the Judge

The Pacific Crest 19th Annual Global Technology Leadership Forum reminded me of a promotional tour I once went on with my dad and some of his clients in the music business. In two days, I did 16 meetings with growth funds, about 50 minutes each, one right after another. I’d make the same pitch, give the same updates. I even wound up making the same jokes in the same places. Pull the string and let the puppet do its thing. ... Read on.

#startup  #entrepreneur  #cap table  #fundraising

How to Approach an Investor (and How Not to)

As I’ve said before, there’s nothing like the rush of that lightbulb moment when a great idea arrives. I’ve experienced it myself several times. It’s the best part of being an entrepreneur. Everything that follows is hard work. ... Read on.

#Funding  #venture capital  #startup  #entrepreneur  #investor

Three-Point Test to Turn Your Idea into Gold

The best part of any startup is the aha! moment. Insight and clarity arrive spontaneously, as if by magic, and innovation is born. ... Read on.

#MarTech  #startup  #entrepreneurship  #focus

The Commitments (Or: Welcome Aboard the Board)

Once, during a panel discussion, someone asked me why I got into venture capital. I told them it was for the privilege of working with entrepreneurs who have the vision to see what doesn’t exist yet, the enthusiasm to will it into being and the courage to fail in front of everybody they know — and many more they don’t know. ... Read on.

#startup  #board  #targeting  #advertiisng

Whacking the Piñata

During my career, I’ve spent time at every point along the investor food chain. I’ve experienced the purity of being a venture-backed entrepreneur in the dot-com bubble. Then I founded one of the first seed funds in New York City. Now I’ve gone back to the operating side. ... Read on.

#startup  #vc  #entrepreneur  #pinata  #investor

The Farmer in the Deal (Or: Sowing the Seeds of a Startup)

The most common question we get here at PebblePost is: “How did you come up with the idea for Programmatic Direct Mail®?” ... Read on.

#digital  #programmatic  #startup  #tangiblemedia  #founder

Transactional Media: PebblePost® and Programmatic Direct Mail®

My name is Lewis Gersh, and I am co-founder and CEO of PebblePost™. I have been founding and investing in technology companies since the mid-90’s under the vision that I term Transactional Media. It’s been a rollercoaster of highs and lows, steeped in melodrama, much of which this blog will delve into over time. Today is one of the highs. I have never been more excited than I am today, as we unveil PebblePost™ and Programmatic Direct Mail, a perfect application of Transactional Media. ... Read on.

#direct mail  #pebblepost  #venture capital  #startup  #transactional media


About Lewis

Lewis GershChairman and Founder at PebblePost, former VC in adtech, long-time endurance athlete, happy dad to “The Heathens.”

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